A cycling constable from Down Under is pedalling the streets of York this week as part of an information exchange.

Senior Constable Michael Shaw, of the Northern Territory Police, is working with officers from the York Community Cycle Unit.

The Australian travelled from the US and Canada where he has also been studying different police cycle patrol methods as part of a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship.

Mr Shaw said he was delighted to be in York and had been extremely impressed with the city cycle unit.

He said: "I will take back what I have learned to Australia so that we can share best practices for combating crime."

Sergeant Nigel Tottie, of York Police, said the officers would be comparing techniques and equipment used by cycle units all over the world.

He said: "I look forward to Michael experiencing at first hand the public support which we as a unit have enjoyed in York."

Updated: 09:08 Wednesday, June 11, 2003