LOUISE Canova is a thirtysomething American who is living and working in London, married to a suppressed gay actor and desperately unhappy.

While browsing in a second-hand bookshop, she discovers a faded grey book entitled Elegance, written by the French fashion expert Madame Genevieve Antoine Dariaux.

With the book as her bible, she sets about changing her image from a dowdy housewife into a feisty sex kitten. In search of elegance, Louise ditches her husband, moves into her best friend's flat and bags herself a new job, making laughable fashion faux pas along her way. Louise's search for style pokes good-humoured fun at the English way of life, and most women could relate to her misjudgements with a smile on their faces.

Elegance is an intriguing read that contains lessons for even the most elegant of females.

Updated: 10:57 Wednesday, June 11, 2003