York City Knights Supporters' Club are running a bus to the vital National League Two match at high-riding Hunslet on Sunday. Times and pick-up points for fans are: Haxby (outside Memorial Hall) 1.05pm, Huntington Stadium 1.20, New Lane (opposite Anthea Drive) 1.25, Dodsworth Avenue 1.30, Clarence Street (opposite vets) 1.35, Blossom Street (opposite Odeon) 1.40, Tadcaster Road (Marriott Hotel) 1.45. All bookings are via Leanne Cooper at the Knights' office on 01904 656105 by 5pm Friday, or thereafter through Mike Miller on 01904 750500 leaving name and number. Provisional price is £5 per person. The match kicks off at 3.30pm.

Updated: 12:10 Wednesday, June 11, 2003