THE RSPCA is urging drivers to slow down and be aware they are not the only creatures on the roads this summer.

With warmer days and light evenings, the volume of cars on York, North Yorkshire and East Yorkshire roads is set to soar - and could result in hundreds of wild animals being killed on the roads.

RSPCA wildlife expert Inspector Geoff Edmond said the region had thousands of miles of rural roads and urban highways, where wildlife often fell victim to vehicles.

He said: "Many animals hit by cars are killed outright, but others crawl away and die somewhere in great pain. Some of the female animals killed may have babies waiting for their return, who will probably starve to death as they are too small to provide for themselves.

"It's a great privilege to see a deer, a badger or a fox in the wild, but at this time of the year, you have more chance of seeing one dead at the side of the road. The RSPCA would like to change that this summer."

Updated: 08:46 Tuesday, June 24, 2003