YORK and District Citizens' Advice Bureau (CAB) has put together a training programme to offer volunteers the chance to work with the organisation.

In an attempt to increase access to volunteering at York CAB, the bureau has developed the training programme to offer a greater level of support to people who want to train as an advisor.

York CAB has offered volunteer opportunities to people across York for many years.

The enhanced training programme will maximise people's time by offering a combination of classroom learning and practical skills.

Bureau manager Chris Hailey-Norris said: "This new training programme offers the perfect opportunity for those who would like to train as advisers, but who may not be used to structured learning."

Anyone interested in volunteering for York CAB should phone Bob Holt on 01904 623648.

Anyone wanting advice from CAB can phone 0870 126 4850 or visit www.yorkcab.org.uk.

Updated: 08:46 Tuesday, June 24, 2003