SCORES of villagers enjoyed fun-filled events throughout Selby at the weekend.

Sponsored bungee jumping was among the attractions at Brayton Fun Day.

Other attractions on a glorious sunny day included bouncy castle, face painting, barbecue, stalls and a football match.

York Model Railway Society members were there, providing rides for children on a train.

Music was provided by Brayton Scout and Guide Band.

The fun day, which attracted several hundred people, was held at Brayton Community Centre.

Meanwhile, Hambleton Fun Day saw nearly 1,000 people gather on the recreational area, Old Lane, to soak up the sunshine on Saturday.

Professional balloon entertainment, bouncy castles, a children's roundabout, five-a-side football matches, stalls and an animal sanctuary stand, all formed part of the afternoon's events,

Hambleton Parish Council chairman Dennis Healy said the event had not been held for many years, but had been thoroughly enjoyed by young and old alike.

He said: "It was tremendously successful. It was the first one we'd held for many years, but I couldn't believe the number of people who were walking down the street and into the field. There were masses of people. Everyone had a fantastic time."

Money raised at the event will help fund next year's Fun Day.

Updated: 14:58 Monday, July 21, 2003