A TEACHER who has chalked up 27 years at a Selby school, 21 of them as the head, has called it a day.

Mike Cook, 58, joined Barwic Parade Primary School as deputy head teacher in 1976, becoming head teacher six years later.

He said: "I came from the London borough of Bexley, so it was a very pleasant culture shock when I came to Selby. Everything was so much slower and more civilised.

"I have really enjoyed my time here at Barwic Parade. I have worked with a lot of lovely people and it's been a privilege to teach the children, who are hard-working and well-behaved.

"We have set some high standards in both behaviour and attitude and the kids have stuck to them." Mr Cook, who has been in teaching for 37 years, now intends to spend more time on his golf handicap, bowls, gardening, walking and watching his beloved Stoke City football team.

He and his wife, Jenny, 55, who is head teacher at Cliffe Primary School, live in Wheldrake. They have a daughter, Sarah, 27, who teaches English at an Italian language school.

They plan to celebrate his retirement with trips to Dublin and Scotland.

Also leaving the chalk face is Josie Betts, deputy head teacher at Brayton Infants School.

Mrs Betts, 51, who lives in Howden with her husband Graham, arrived at Brayton in 1973 and, apart from six years off after giving birth to her daughter, Maxine, has been there ever since.

She was appointed deputy head teacher in 1992.

Mrs Betts said: "My time at Brayton Infants has been absolutely wonderful. The children worked hard for me and I worked hard for them, and the staff here are excellent.

"The school is held in high esteem and it is fully deserved."

Her hobbies include art, needlework, and photography.

Updated: 12:00 Tuesday, July 22, 2003