AIR FORCE veterans have been enjoying a double celebration in York.

The local branch of the Royal Air Force Association has been awarded a national prize.

The veterans' group was awarded the National President's Cup for outstanding achievement.

"This is something very special," said branch chairman Ray Kidd.

"It came out of the blue, presented to us for our achievement in 2002.

"And it is an international prize, it spreads beyond the UK to areas and branches abroad.

"It has never been awarded in the north east of England before, so we are very proud."

The award came as the association celebrated its 50-year anniversary of the local branch in its home in Aldwark, and the 60th anniversary of the national association.

"We are very lucky to have this wonderful home, it was set up by the hard work and foresight of our early members.

"This kind of foresight will see us go strongly into the future for many years to come."

The group was also graced when member Dennis Murphy was awarded an area certificate to mark his achievements.

Mr Kidd said: "We are really very proud. This has been an unexpected recognition for us, and is tremendous in coming in our golden jubilee year."

Updated: 08:43 Tuesday, July 22, 2003