A SPECIAL design document has been drawn up that could protect the attractive appearance of a York village for years to come.

City of York Council planners will on Thursday discuss proposals for a Rufforth Village Design Statement (VDS).

If the VDS is brought in, it will have to be considered when any Rufforth planning applications are discussed.

Rufforth residents first debated drawing up a VDS in October 2001, set up a design group, and held a village survey day in May 2002, where all villagers were invited to contribute.

The statement's introduction says: "The Rufforth Village Design Statement has been prepared by local residents and is supported by the parish council. It is hoped that it will influence design and development in the village.

"As a supplementary planning guidance its recommendations will be taken into account when planning applications are considered.

"It is also to raise awareness among local residents that small changes within 'permitted development,' such as replacement windows, extensions, removal of boundaries, can erode the character of the village."

Among the VDS guidelines are a ban on large blocks of buildings on Rufforth's outskirts, controls on building materials and the encouragement of native species in gardens or planting schemes.

There is also an effort to reduce the size and speed of vehicles passing through the village and "long- term" discussion of a Rufforth bypass.

City council planners have recommended the VDS is approved.

Dianne Cragg, principal planning officer, said in a report: "Officers consider that the document is acceptable in principle and is in conformity with local plan and central government guidance."

The VDS will be discussed by planners on Thursday, from 4.30pm, at the Guildhall. If approved it will go out to public consultation.

Updated: 08:42 Tuesday, July 22, 2003