A YORK woman has flown her sick young niece over from El Salvador for life-changing medical treatment after doctors in her home country were unable to help.

Carmen Carvell, 47, who left the Central American country for York 20 years ago and now lives in Heworth Green, said her six-year-old niece, Ingrid Duenas, had a tumour on her tongue.

Although it is not malignant, the tumour causes pain and bleeding, and could spread further down her throat, making it difficult for Ingrid to eat or speak.

Doctors in El Salvador were unable to treat the tumour fully because they had never encountered a similar case.

So Carmen decided to raise the funds necessary to bring Ingrid, the daughter of Carmen's brother, Miguel Angel Duenas, and his wife, Marivel, to the UK.

Carmen said: "The doctors over there didn't know what to do. They treated her for over a year and she got no better.

"She is booked into a hospital in Leeds to have laser treatment on her tongue in the middle of August and then again a few weeks later.

"There is a risk with this treatment that she could lose her voice. But if they don't do it the tumour could spread down her throat and it would be very dangerous.

"She has to have therapy afterwards so that she can talk properly."

Carmen now has to raise between £3,000 and £5,000 for the treatment.

She is holding a barbecue and disco at her home on Sunday, August 10, which will include fundraising events. She is also hoping to arrange further fundraising activities.

Anyone who would like to attend, or can help Carmen with her appeal, is asked to phone her on 01904 430713 or 01904 620035.

Updated: 09:36 Saturday, July 26, 2003