THE arrest of York student Ed Lewis by the Israeli authorities (August 7) provided a worrying local aspect to a catastrophic international problem.

Ed was in Palestine working with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), international activists who work peacefully to resist the brutal Israeli occupation of Palestine.

When he was arrested, Ed was protesting against the building of Israel's so-called security wall to provide better security. It will only inflict more oppression on Palestinians.

The "wall" penetrates the West Bank, splitting Palestinian villages causing families to be split up and communities to be wrecked.

The wall ploughs through Palestinian farmland meaning local farmers have seen their livilhood threatened.

ISM activists have protested against the wall and have supported the Palestinian people by organising resistance and finding ways to lead a life as near to normal as possible.

Many Israelis are also appalled by their government's decision to build the wall.

Ed is still in Palestine, despite the overly-aggressive approach taken by the Israeli Defence Force to peaceful protesters. It is not uncommon for protesters to be targeted by machine guns and chased by tanks.

Earlier this year ISM activist Rachel Corrie was killed by an Israeli bulldozer. Tom Hurndall, another ISM activist, was shot in the head by Israeli troops.

He is still in a coma.

The international community has an obligation to oppose the continued oppression of the Palestinians. International activists such as Ed risk their lives by showing active solidarity with the Palestinians.

Rory Palmer,

Goodricke College,

York University.

Updated: 10:13 Wednesday, August 20, 2003