SUN, wind and water will provide more than half of the power needed to run York St John College, after bosses signed a forward thinking-deal with electricity providers.

Sixty per cent of the electric power used by the Lord Mayors Walk institution will now come from renewable energy resources.

Power equivalent to the annual consumption of 1,100 homes will be supplied in the form of "green" energy over the next three years by electricity giant npower.

The deal sees the college contracted to pay npower a premium fee, and in return the electricity provider will put the institution's annual usage into the regional power grid from renewable energy sources. Mark Davis, of npower, presented college estates officer Richard Hirst and Neil Rogers, a member of the York branch of green group Local Agenda 21, with a framed certificate to mark the deal.

Mr Rogers said: "York St John is committed to a greener future for York, and is working hard in line with the Government's environmental policies to improve the quality of life within York.

"For 60 per cent of College's energy consumption to come from renewable resources is a significant accomplishment.

"The UK is the windiest country in Europe after all, so it is imperative that we harness the energy the country has to maintain resources for future generations."

The deal comes as the Government announced a decision to start a £6 billion offshore wind licensing plan, which could supply fuel to one in six houses by 2010.

York St John College has developed policies in transport, energy and waste management and strives to apply green methods to its everyday operations over the past two years.

The college has also undertaken comprehensive energy, heating and lighting surveys.

Staff hope that switching to renewable energy will reduce the college's carbon dioxide emissions.

Updated: 08:42 Wednesday, August 20, 2003