A NORTH YORKSHIRE skate park is still riding high 15 months after it first opened.

Created as a space for young people to enjoy on land between Malton and Norton, in Norton Road, it is used by up to 200 people on a busy day.

It boasts the biggest "half-pipe" in the North of England, and was recently provided with a shelter.

PC Stewart Ashton, youth action officer for Ryedale, campaigned to get the scheme off the ground two years ago, and he is delighted with its success.

"There is no doubt that the park has created a much-needed focal point for youngsters," he said.

"They see it as their space and my own research has shown that it has had a dramatic effect in reducing the number of calls to the police about the nuisance activities of teenagers in the area."

Kevin Cooke, senior youth worker at Norton Youth Centre, said: "Youth workers can meet local youngsters in large numbers at the skate park.

"We are meeting them in what they see as 'their territory' in an informal setting and can chat about issues that concern them."

Local district councillor Allin Jenkins said the park was clearly well used.

"There is no doubt that a lot of young people are getting a great deal of pleasure out of it and it has provided them with somewhere to meet up," he said.

Coun Jenkins is concerned about some misuse of the site, however, such as litter and stone throwing.

"Unfortunately, a few people always spoil it for the majority," he said.

The site is monitored by CCTV and PC Ashton stressed: "A skate park is not the panacea for the world's ills, but there is clear evidence that diversionary activities are an important element in an overall strategy to tackle youth crime."

Coun Di Keal is 100 per cent behind the skate park. She said: "It is a great facility for local young people and has been widely welcomed in the community as helping to keep youngsters off the streets. "It is well-used and is often packed with young people."

She also believes that there is still an opportunity to create a separate play space for youngsters.

Updated: 10:52 Wednesday, August 20, 2003