POLICE motorcyclists will be offering advice and tips on handling high-performance bikes at a special safety event this Bank Holiday weekend.

The event will take place in the market place at Helmsley, a favourite gathering place for bikers, between about 10.30am and at least 3pm, on Sunday.

A 24ft inflatable biker will be making sure riders are attracted to the display, which also features a crashed sports bike.

The exhibition is part of the Handle It Or Lose It campaign, being promoted jointly by the Hambleton and Ryedale community safety partnerships. PC Terry Triffitt, of Safer Ryedale, explained: "We want to save lives and that's why we're reaching out to bikers in a new way, offering tips and advice easily put into practice."

The campaign, which started in North Yorkshire, is targeting its safety message at the 35-plus age group of sports bikers. An allied website, www.handleitorloseit.com, offers a wealth of information on popular biking routes, accenting the most hazardous bends and danger spots.

This year, 22 riders and passengers have died in accidents in North Yorkshire, with three of those in the Ryedale and Hambleton districts.

Statistics show that 65 per cent of rural bike casualties are down to the rider losing control, with no other vehicles involved.

The Helmsley display is to be run with the support of local police, paramedics and fire and rescue officers.

Updated: 10:43 Wednesday, August 20, 2003