A WOMAN who won an out-of-court settlement after taking her employer to a tribunal is launching her own fashion empire in York next month.

Abigail Cowling Chelin plans a high-profile launch of Abichelin in Little Stonegate on Thursday September 18, the first of 40 stores she hopes to roll out across the UK, and potentially Europe.

Abigail, 30, was buying and merchandising director for a clothing chain for two years until last year.

She says her experience at the company culminated in her taking her employer to an employment tribunal last September for unfair dismissal, breach of contract, sexual discrimination and victimisation, but there was an out-of-court settlement for an undisclosed sum in March.

Her 1,000 sq ft York shop will stock a wide variety of fashion labels from Cacharel to Juicy Couture and feature the work of other fresh, contemporary designers rarely seen outside London. Prices, she says, will be "above the high street, but not at an unaffordable level".

Abigail, who lives in Leeman Road, York, said: "I suppose you could say this is a classic example of good coming out of bad. The situation with my previous employer last year gave me the spur I needed to do what I have always wanted - to set up my own retail brand."

The flagship shop in York will include TV and videos and gadgets - "to entertain the men" - and a glass of Champagne for every visitor, regardless of whether they spend money.

"There is definitely something missing in York and the UK generally in terms of good retail experiences," she said.

Updated: 09:35 Tuesday, September 02, 2003