YOUR article on the possibility of a new footbridge across the River Ouse (August 28) unfortunately failed to mention how it might be paid for.

Funding will be subject to a successful bid to the Government through the Local Transport Plan. Work starts in the autumn on the next transport plan and residents will be consulted.

Ideas that will be part of that consultation include not only this scheme but also improvements to road safety in many parts of the city, improvements to the outer ring road and congestion-busting measures such as new rail stations and looking at light rail options.

The plan will take into account residents' priorities and the Government will then decide if the plan meets the council's transport objectives and will fund it accordingly.

I hope this scheme will catch the imagination of the public and we shall be exploring the opportunities for investment from the private sector.

I would like to reassure your correspondents (August 30) that funding would not be at the expense of other services or road-safety schemes.

Coun Ann Reid,

Executive member for planning and transport,

Grassholme, York.

Updated: 10:29 Tuesday, September 02, 2003