THE World Trade Organisation will preside over a conference of most of the world's countries in Cancun, Mexico, this month. Democratic and fair?

Hardly. For while the poorest can send one delegate, if any, the richest send whole armies of trade delegates, lobbyists, pressure groups, and can make sure they are fully represented at every little group meeting and decision-ratifying session. Money talks - as ever.

And what will all these people be doing there? Deciding on trade terms for the world's future. Not, unfortunately, how to make the world a fairer place, with a level playing field for all, but how to boost the trade, and increase the takings and advantages, of the rich - such as the USA and Britain.

Does it matter to us, so far away? Yes indeed. Wars are fuelled by poverty, by injustice, by unfair practices, which continue to widen the gap between the rich and the poorest countries. And this sends thousands of despairing people across sea and land to seek a better life for themselves and their children.

Above all, we are giving to our farmers huge subsidies (half the annual EU budget of some £30 million) while the USA recently passed a farm bill increasing subsides by about 70 per cent. This is unfair competition, and we sell our produce to poor nations at prices much lower than they can produce the same goods for. So their farmers go out of business.

It's in our interests to help the poorest people towards a better quality of life. Write to your MP. Tell him or her you mind about our policies. What hypocrites we are, we rich people!

Joyce Pickard,

Saville Grove, York.

Updated: 10:29 Tuesday, September 02, 2003