THE Friends of York City Archives were pleased to read that moves are now being made to settle the long-running problem of the future of York's invaluable archives (August 27). We think the executive's report is on the whole a fair one.

We also welcome the report's recognition of the strength of feeling against moving the archives from the city centre, and much hope that the executive will heed its advice to delay making any firm decision until at least March 2004.

That would allow the Minster library time to recover from its troubles, so that the option of transferring the archives there can be considered.

However, we would much prefer the archives to remain at Exhibition Square, and in the care of their present friendly and knowledgeable staff. So what disturbs us most about the report is its repeated assumption that the archives will be "transferred".

This we fear implies that the report's third option - that of retaining the archives in their location, but improving and updating the facilities there - is being rejected from the outset.

If the council really cannot find the cash to retain one of York's greatest heritage assets in its own hands, and on the site preferred by most users, can funding really not be found from other sources? Should local businesses and charitable trusts not at least be approached before this most desirable option is rejected out of hand?

Charles Kightly,


Friends of York City Archives,

Huntington Road, York.

Updated: 10:28 Tuesday, September 02, 2003