SOUTH African performers are bringing the colourful and sometimes troubled history of their country to life on stage in York.

A group of singers, dancers and musicians named Umoja, meaning the spirit of togetherness, has stopped off on its world tour at the Grand Opera House.

Many members of the cast are Christians and they have been supported by the Anglican community in York, including Dr David Hope, the Archbishop of York, who met them on their first night.

He praised their positive and passionate outlook, despite the experiences of many of the young performers who come from the township of Soweto, which suffered badly under the brutal apartheid regime.

Dr Hope said: "They are full of freshness, vibrancy and liveliness about life with a real sense of hope for the future which, in a sense, in our rather tired Western view, is a message we might take to heart."

Ian Smith, of the Church Missionary Society, which has 250 members in York and helped bring the group here, said the event was an opportunity for the South Africans to share their talents with a Western audience. He said: "We felt it was an important opportunity to reverse the roles and have a group of South African people come to us and show that they have got something to share."

Umoja continues until Saturday at the Grand Opera House, Clifford Street, York.

Updated: 10:21 Tuesday, September 02, 2003