IT'S an answer to the prayers of every parent with a crying baby.

North Yorkshire inventor Peter Hepworth has developed what he believes is the world's first portable automatic pram and buggy rocker.

The lightweight device, powered by an electric motor, gently simulates the rocking movements normally provided by mum or dad.

Peter, from Crayke, near Easingwold, says he first thought of the idea while on holiday in Corsica four years ago.

He said he saw many young mothers unable to relax properly because they had to keep their babies quiet, and he decided to try to invent a solution.

Now he has patented a working prototype, with a working title of Babyrocker, which fits under the rear axle of a buggy or pram.

The rear wheels fit into special holders, which provide the rocking movements.

The device is a new venture for Mr Hepworth, who formerly worked for Associated Engineering, but left in 1977 to set up his own company designing and marketing engine, gearbox and steering components for the automotive industry.

He said a number of retailers and nurseries had already expressed considerable interest in the Babyrocker, and he hoped to enter into an agreement with a manufacturer by the end of the year.

The device would fit all sizes of pram or buggy, including three-wheelers, and was compact enough to fit into the overhead lockers on aeroplanes.

He said: "When I set out to design a device to rock prams, I wanted it to be light enough for a mother to be able to carry and look sufficiently attractive to be acceptable to teenagers and elder siblings who might be on child-minding duty."

Updated: 10:14 Tuesday, September 02, 2003