Chris Titley get away from it all (Evening Press, Aug 27), I have trawled through my videos - all six of them.

Each one has the same star and I can see my way clear to offering Chris the loan of my favourite, the only proviso being a deadline for its return. This must take place no later than November 30, by which time your journalist will have had the chance to either save up to buy his own or ask Santa Claus to pop it in his stocking.

The cast of this video is mostly female, so will ring the changes for Chris from "Sven and Clint grappling with the baby oil" and will - I guarantee - transport him to another, altogether calmer, world.

One of these women is a very attractive connoisseur of fine wine (shades of decadent Bacchanalia). The second is a luscious blonde from Harrod's delicatessen. The star of my video uses a whole lot of dried fruit and has a novel and unusual way with pickled walnuts.

The video is entitled Delia Smith's Christmas.

Margaret Lawson,

Aldborough House,

The Groves, York.

Updated: 10:51 Wednesday, September 03, 2003