I DON'T believe the problems in Faliraki have been caused by a television programme but I am equally unconvinced by the show's defence.

The rash of reality TV shows flooding our screens is a serious enough problem, without the Glasgow makers of Club Reps claiming it "is a documentary series and as such its concept has been wholly factual".

Do reality TV shows really believe this claim that they are documentaries? Filmmakers in the documentary field provide an important, interesting and often under-valued view on the world.

They also work to strict guidelines. The rise of cinema verit in the 1960s put at the forefront the notion of minimal interference with reality. Filmmakers must not control events in any way. Editing must be kept to a minimum in order not to create false impressions. They also took care to avoid "voice of God" narration which interprets events for the spectator.

In breaking all the rules of cinema verit, reality TV shows often go beyond the meaningful and coherent to the realms of the sensationalist and exploitative.

Nigel Ayre,

Galtres Road, Heworth, York.

Updated: 10:49 Wednesday, September 03, 2003