SHED Seven are off on their travels again, playing gigs from this month through to December.

Closest to home for the York band will be Leeds Metropolitan University on December 14.

This month the compulsive rock travellers will be at Kent University on September 23; Oxford Zodiac, 24; Bristol Fleece, 25; Whitehaven Civic Hall, 26; Middlesborough Empire, 27; Wrexham Central Station, 29; Aberystwyth University, 30.

Next month's itinerary is: The Mill, Preston, October 1; Birmingham Sanctuary, 2; Shrewsbury Music Hall, 3; Staffordshire University, 11; Liverpool Masque, 12.

In November, the Sheds play Northampton Roadmender, 20th; Colchester Arts Centre, 22; Cambridge Junction, 24; Cardiff MS1, 26; Brighton Concorde 2, 27; Hull Welly Club, 29.

December's dates will be: Sheffield Leadmill, 12th; Glasgow Carling Academy, 13; Leeds Metropolitan University, 14; Manchester University, 16; London Shepherds Bush Empire, 17.

Shed Seven plan to add yet more shows to the 23 confirmed so far.

Updated: 14:44 Friday, September 05, 2003