THE proposals for the present petrol garage on Fulford Main Street (Letters, September 20) are only the beginning of the problems shortly to be faced up to by the ward councillor, and more importantly, the residents of Fulford.

The outline planning application for Germany Beck housing and associated infrastructure is now out to consultation. The plan for about 700 homes includes only one public access road. This new source of traffic will be joining the traffic from Fordlands Road - creating a 1,000 home cul-de-sac.

A new junction has been required at Fordlands Road for the existing residents for some time, and improvements to Fulford Main Street are long overdue, but the responsible authorities have ignored the problem. When the opportunity arises to take action, it is being designed only to worsen the problem for residents and commuters.

I urge Fulford not to ignore the planning application where the roads, housing, and environmental impact should all be adequately acknowledged and considered. We are comforted to read that flooding is not anticipated as a problem. Where are these local developers from?

Don't solely rely on others to make their comments to City of York Council. Use every opportunity to raise your concerns. Comments on the current application should be made to the City's Planning Department by 13 October.

Alan Smith,

Fordlands Road, Fulford, York.

Updated: 11:54 Monday, September 29, 2003