AN ANGRY York mother has urged motorists to "think bike" after her son was knocked off his cycle and left needing plastic surgery.

Jackie Ellerton, of Heworth, says her 22-year-old son, Shane, suffered horrendous facial injuries when a car hit his push bike.

Jackie claimed the accident left Shane with deep abrasions round his mouth.

He also suffered severe bruising, some of which left one eye completely closed.

He received plastic surgery on his face at York Hospital on Thursday.

Jackie, of Pottery Lane, said: "He looked like something out of a horror film, he was a right mess.

"I just wish drivers would slow down and think a bit more, especially early in the day. There is no need for them to race around like they do, people are way too impatient. They'd still get where they were going if they slowed down, they'd just be a minute or so later.

"Cyclists hardly have any protection, but car drivers are nice and safe, they need to think about the damage they could do to someone if they aren't careful."

Jackie said there was still a chance that Shane's injuries could leave him permanently disfigured.

She said: "I hope not, but we don't know at the moment. He is such a nice-looking lad, in the prime of his life, and this could spoil everything for him."

A spokeswoman for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents said: "It needs everyone who uses the road to play their part in safety.

"Motorists need to slow down and drive within and below the speed limit, and according to the conditions.

"Motorists need to be particularly aware of vulnerable road users such as cyclists and children.

"Cyclists must also play their part, riding safely, making sure their bikes are well maintained and wearing suitable clothing to ensure they can be seen."

Updated: 11:18 Monday, September 29, 2003