VANDALS and protesters have forced York MP Hugh Bayley to take expensive extra measures to secure his city office and ensure the safety of his staff.

Mr Bayley has installed CCTV security cameras at his constituency office in Holgate Road after a series of attacks and aggressive protests on the premises.

He said several instances of people pushing their way into the office to protest on issues such as the war in Iraq and blood sports had made him concerned for the security of his two staff members.

In recent months, dog excrement has also been put through the letterbox and the walls and windows of the office covered in graffiti and posters.

Mr Bayley said he had invested in the high-tech equipment on the advice of police, who said he should take more basic security precautions.

He said: "I'd rather spend the money helping my constituents with their queries but we have had some trouble with anti-hunt campaigners, animal rights protesters and pro-hunt people."

He added: "My primary concern is that two staff work for me and they should be able to work in a safe environment.

"There have been quite threatening incidents with people pushing their way into the office and also pushing unpleasant things through the door.

"I know people feel passionately about politics. If they feel angry about something Government is doing they should come and see me, and not take it out on the people who, in fact, work for them."

In June, pro-hunt campaigners covered the building, which Mr Bayley has run since he was first elected to run York in 1992, with slogans and stickers.

The office deals with about 50 inquiries each day by telephone, email and letter.

The cost of the cameras will come out of his annual parliamentary allowance.

Updated: 11:16 Monday, September 29, 2003