MAJOR safety works could take place on a notorious blackspot stretch of the A19 near York where a young motorcyclist lost her life, an MP revealed today.

Selby MP John Grogan was speaking after the teenage biker died following a collision with a car one mile south of Escrick.

Kiri Anne Haywood, of Springfield Avenue, Brough, East Yorkshire, died after her Suzuki was in collision with a BMW saloon on Saturday.

Mr Grogan said he had met North Yorkshire Police officers and officials from North Yorkshire County Council and City of York Council to discuss possible safety works.

Among the suggestions were a new roundabout at Riccall and work to improve safety at the Crockey Hill junction, the scene of a fatal motorcycle crash in May.

Mr Grogan said: "It is a key issue and has been for a long time. The meeting was productive, everyone there was thinking seriously about the problems on the road.

"Improving safety is something that unites the villages along that stretch. One of the first issues after I was elected in 1997 was traffic calming in the Escrick area."

Terry Wilson, chairman of Escrick Parish Council, said he would be meeting police next month to discuss the A19.

He said: "I intend to ask what the police plan to do about speed on the road and access to it. It is a continuing problem, and the police have to take it in hand. Cameras should be considered as a means of cutting down speed and I would like to see a police presence at peak times.

"There has been a focus on motorcyclists - there should be a focus on car drivers too."

The crash happened at about 12.15pm on Saturday. Police are appealing for witnesses, particularly the driver of a beige-coloured lorry which was travelling southbound at the time of the accident. Anyone with information should ring 01904 631321.

An hour earlier on Saturday, a biker and pillion passenger were thrown down a steep grass verge after a collision with a tractor pulling a plough. The accident happened on the A171 Whitby road, at the Tranmire junction, near to Scaling Dam.

Both people on the bike were seriously injured. They were flown to James Cook Hospital in Middlesbrough by air ambulance.

Early yesterday, a man dressed all in black suffered serious head injuries after being in collision with a blue Renault Clio being driven out of Norton along Scarborough Road towards the A64.

The man was taken to York Hospital after the accident, which happened just after midnight.

Any witnesses to the crash are asked to phone the Ryedale police witness line on 01653 692424.

Updated: 11:01 Monday, September 29, 2003