YORK'S first visit to Middlesbrough's Acklam Park for several years resulted in a 30-18 North Two East defeat.

Before the leagues began in rugby union, the Teessiders were a senior club and their clubhouse boasts the names of ex-internationals like Rob Andrews and Rory Underwood.

They are now intent on reversing their fortunes and have assembled a big powerful pack. Therefore, although York were clearly bettered, many aspects of their game were encouraging.

Boro exerted their forward power early on to threaten York's line.

However, after ten minutes, York won possession on halfway and moved the ball left where winger Chris Macdonald, full-back Nick Taylor and prop James Nuttall made great ground to the home 22 where Boro conceded a penalty which Ben Quick converted.

However, the Teessiders reinforced their strength by taking a ball against the head and pressuring the York line to gain a pushover try, which Dave Bishop converted.

The hosts continued with their close-quarters forward play and grabbed another try when full-back Al Micklewright made space for winger Dave Poole in the corner.

York tried to open up the game and had chances especially when Sam Arkle appeared to score but was penalised for a double movement. Quick also missed two penalties before making another.

A 15-6 half-time deficit gave York some hope but the match was effectively finished in four minutes of the second period when York conceded tries to Poole and scrum-half Pete Wright. Bishop goaled one and, at 27-6, York had too much to do.

York still stuck to their task and began to get more ball, and the superior pace of their forwards began to have an impact. Flanker Stu Davies made a strong burst down the right and the ball was recycled left where centre Nathan McBride used his strength to score near the posts, Quick converting.

York spurned a penalty but the pressure was spoiled when Brad Macdonald was sin-binned for kicking.

Numbers were evened a minute later when Dave Gardiner followed for preventing a quick penalty and his back-row partner, skipper George Ringland, was also sent for a rest by the referee.

York continued to press and centre Sean Bass made several telling breaks before the ball was spun out to Sam Arkle on the right, who eluded several defenders to score when he seemed certain to be bungled into touch.

However, they then conceded a penalty for Bishop to end the scoring at 30-18.

Nonetheless, York can take heart as Boro look like a top-three side, and if the Clifton Parkers can tighten up and acquire more possession early in games, they should do well in their first season since promotion to regional rugby.

Updated: 12:02 Monday, September 29, 2003