Malton and Norton played with 14 men for almost three-quarters of the game and 13 men for ten minutes, but still won 20-13 at Dinnington.

Malt' were not at their best either, but they still picked up the Yorkshire One points.

Malton could not have wished for a better start. Receiving the kick-off, the ball passed through almost every player in a sweeping move which involved three or four phases before Ryan Lonsdale crossed in the corner.

In past seasons this would have been the signal for the floodgates to open but sides are more resilient and determined in this division.

Indeed, Dinnington tested the Malton defence, who conceded penalties at regular intervals for Dean Lax, the former Rotherham full-back, to boot his side onto the scoresheet.

Ian Cooke soon cancelled this score out for Malt' before they were again penalised for not releasing the ball in a tackle. Dinnington took a short penalty and Tim Casey tripped an attacking player to earn a red card. During the period of readjustment, the hosts took advantage with another Lax penalty before a clean catch and drive from a lineout close to the Malton line saw Dinnington cross for a forward try.

Having played in fits and starts during the first half, Malton had to call on their resolve to get back into it.

A storming break from No 8 James McKay broke the home defence to set up an equalising try from Cooke, which he converted himself to give Malt' a two-point lead.

Dinnington were still threatening but the Malton defence was in no mood to crack. Fitness has always been a strength of the Malt' side and so it proved again as they swarmed all over the pitch to snuff out any threat.

They then extended their lead. A blindside break seemed doomed to failure when Carl Rushworth and Steve Piercy collided. However, they recovered and got the ball to Cooke, who scampered along the touchline before passing inside to the McKay, who ran behind the posts. Cooke converted.

Malt' were then reduced to 13 men when scrum-half Jon Newsome saw yellow for questioning a decision, but Malton put up an excellent defensive wall.

Indeed, from a huge kick out of defence from Will Barber, Malton were unlucky not to increase the lead when the pick-up was fumbled with the line beckoning.

Updated: 11:58 Monday, September 29, 2003