After a sparkling performance against Ilkley last week, York RI were well below par against Thornensians in Yorkshire Three and lost 34-8.

RI gave a listless performance but with the score 3-3 at half-time, from an exchange of penalties, the game was there to be won.

However, a mix-up in defence just after the restart gave the Thornensians winger Mark Conway a clear run to the line.

The visitors increased their lead to ten points with another penalty before RI finally woke up, Tim Nash and winger Richard Lightwing combining to send Howard Reed over in the corner.

The score remained at 13-8 to the visitors until the final quarter when, through RI's generosity, Thornensians were gifted three more tries to run out 34-8 victors and bring to an end a miserable afternoon for RI.

Updated: 11:57 Monday, September 29, 2003