ANY point away from home is always a precious one and must be welcomed.

And for a team that has lost its two previous games away from Bootham Crescent 3-0, a draw and clean sheet is a sizeable double not to be sniffed at.

But, if they are being greedy, perhaps the York City camp will be tinged today with regret as they contemplate what might have been.

Certainly, City had a glut of chances to claim all three points but were unfortunate to find Macclesfield's goalkeeper, Boaz Myhill, in inspired form.

The on-loan Aston Villa shot-stopper produced four saves to deny Liam George, of which two underlined his Premiership potential and left the City striker flabbergasted and dejected in equal measure.

But it wasn't just a tale of missed opportunities that saw the loss of three points mourned as much as just one was saluted.

City played some enterprising and sharp football at times and looked a cut above a largely lifeless Macclesfield throughout.

However, the football flowed sporadically rather than relentlessly and had the Minstermen been just a tad more persistent and consistent going forward then victory surely would have been bagged.

Particularly in the first-half, the Minstermen probed carefully but perhaps a little cautiously and without the conviction of when they are at their very best.

They still managed to create two well-worked opportunities thanks to two incisive passes from Lee Bullock that pierced the home defence.

The effervescent Darren Dunning raced on to one but tried to stroke the ball beyond Myhill and fired tamely at the Macclesfield shot-stopper.

When George raced on to the other, the Luton striker went for power but Myhill stood up well and stuck out a firm hand to push away the danger.

If City's attacking was somewhat restrained, their defensive resolve and determination could not be denied.

The Silkmen got little change from City's back three of Leigh Wood, Chris Brass and Richard Hope and only fashioned a couple of half chances in the opening period.

On both occasions, Mark Ovendale in the City goal proved the measure of his opposite number, showing good positional sense to deny an attempted lob from Martin Carruthers then considerable bravery to save at the feet of Danny Whitaker.

The pattern of the second-half followed much the same as the first, although Macclesfield finally showed a tad more commitment to attack.

Richard Cooper produced a crucial block and tackle to deny Danny Adams from close range before City rode their luck as Steve Macauley's volley hit a post and bounced clear.

But for all Macclesfield's improved purpose, it was City who continued to control the game and create the better chances.

George drilled one low drive into the side netting and had a dipping shot from the edge of the area pushed over by Myhill before the Macc 'keeper saved, literally, his best for last in tipping another stiff drive from the City striker around a post.

With Myhill in the sort of form that suggested City would not score even if they peppered the goal all afternoon and evening, it was just as well City's defensive resolve remained strong.

Brass, Hope and Mitch Ward all flung themselves at the ball to block shots as the red ranks held firm in the face of some late home pressure.

Carruthers did find the back of the net, but fortunately for City the linesman raised his flag for offside.

After the sighs of relief at that escape came the final whistle and satisfaction at a professional job well done from City.

Contemplation and shades of regret at what might have been soon followed but therein lies further cause for optimism in this City team.

Just over a year ago and in very different circumstances, the fans left Moss Rose delighted to have snatched a lucky late point.

To be disappointed with the same haul this time around underlines just how far the Minstermen, still heading in the right direction, have come.

Nationwide League, Div 3, Saturday, September 27, 2003, at Moss Rose

Ovendale 6, Cooper 7, Wood 8, Brass 7, Hope 7, Merris 7, Ward 6, *Dunning 8, Bullock 7, George 7, Wilford 5.

Subs: Crowe for Wilford (62) 5.

Not used: Porter, Smith, Stewart, Brackstone

Star Man: Darren Dunning. Another barnstorming display

Key: 10 Faultless, 9 Outstanding, 8 Excellent, 7 Eye-catching, 6 Good, 5 Average, 4 Below-par, 3 Dud, 2 Hopeless, 1 Retire

Macclesfield: Macclesfield: Myhill, Hitchen, Munroe (Flitcroft 62m), Macauley, Welch, Adams, Widdrington, Whitaker, Carruthers, Little (Clark 62m), Miles. Subs, not used: Wilson, Haddrell, Smith

Yellow cards: Wilford (37), Dunning (45)

Red cards: None

Referee: Andrew Marriner (Warwickshire). Some inconsistent decisions.

Attendance: 2,311

Weather watch: clear but cool

Game breaker: Myhill's defiance

Match rating: Not bad for a scoreless stalemate

Updated: 09:23 Monday, September 29, 2003