Heworth are still seeking their first win of the Arriva Trains Conference division two season after a drop goal ten minutes from time condemned them to a 17-16 defeat at Huddersfield Sharks.

But that elusive victory might not be too far away after they gave a much-improved display to head the Sharks going into the final stages.

They also had a great chance to win it but Carl Potter, who up until then had kicked four goals from four attempts, screwed a penalty wide.

Darren Simpson put Huddersfield ahead on nine minutes with a try converted by Leon Watchell, but the Villagers equalised courtesy of a try by second-row Luke Judson plus goal by Potter.

Potter added two penalties as the scrappy, closely fought game approached half-time, with Watchell kicking one in between to make it 10-8 to Heworth at the break.

Gavin Grant, after an interception by the outstanding Nikki Wilson, raced in for a try six minutes into the second half to extend Heworth's lead and Potter goaled to make the difference eight points.

But Watchell kicked another penalty and then tagged on the extras to a Gary Burns try to level.

The game was anybody's and stand-off Kevin Bower's 70th-minute drop goal won it for the Sharks.

Heworth spokesman Ken Sykes said: "We should have won. It was one of those games that got away. But it was a much better performance and we've hopefully turned the corner."

Updated: 12:02 Monday, September 29, 2003