STEPHEN Lewis's article on wind farms (September 26) is an excellent piece of informative journalism about how we need to clean up our power-generating act.

So why do some people bleat about wind farms? Excuses about spoiling views and reducing values of properties are nothing more than avaricious middle English selfishness.

Some say they are unsightly, although I have never found them so. What I do find unsightly are pictures of storm-devastated communities and sun-scorched deserts where once there were thriving farms because of climate change.

Wind farms, solar arrays, and bio-mass power plants are going to ensure that future generations will have all the energy they need and these facilities must and should be built with a sense of urgency.

Graham Horne,

Beech Avenue,

Bishopthorpe, York.

Updated: 11:53 Wednesday, October 01, 2003