SIR Ben Gill will be a hard act to follow. In all his high profile roles for the National Farmers' Union (NFU), culminating in his term as president, he was an articulate ambassador for agriculture.

His tenure at the top coincided with the toughest years for farmers in living memory. Mad cow disease, followed quickly by the foot and mouth outbreak, threw Sir Ben into the global spotlight.

He responded with both passion and good sense. And he leaves office with the NFU in better shape, despite all the crises. It is an admirable legacy.

Ben's legacy

SIR Ben Gill will be a hard act to follow. In all his high profile roles for the National Farmers' Union (NFU), culminating in his term as president, he was an articulate ambassador for agriculture.

His tenure at the top coincided with the toughest years for farmers in living memory. Mad cow disease, followed quickly by the foot and mouth outbreak, threw Sir Ben into the global spotlight.

He responded with both passion and good sense. And he leaves office with the NFU in better shape, despite all the crises. It is an admirable legacy.

Updated: 10:30 Tuesday, October 07, 2003