SHARP, witty and refreshingly honest, Laura Wolf's sequel to Diary Of A Mad Bride is a must-read for anyone even contemplating starting a family.

Touching and often laugh-out-loud funny, the novel charts the pregnancy of glamorous Manhattanite Amy Thomas-Stewart from conception to birth as she copes with frumpy maternity clothes, all-day morning sickness and a husband who's firmly in denial about becoming a father.

A loveable control-freak, Amy struggles with her new-found role, battling obstacles including a doctor whose voice is so quiet she nicknames him the Crotch Whisperer and fighting off a colleague with a fetish for pregnant women.

This is written in a similar vein to chick-lit favourite Bridget Jones Diary. It is almost impossible not to identify with Wolf's chaotic yet caring heroine. Once you pick up this novel, I defy you to put it down.

Updated: 08:47 Wednesday, October 08, 2003