S Stockton's shock at vets supporting hunting owes more to Beatrix Potter and Walt Disney than any sense of animal welfare (Letters, October 16).

If I were a vet I would be happier to see a fox killed quickly by hounds than left with an agonising death after poisoning, snaring, wounding from a shotgun, or the many more which are hit by cars.

A fox is dead by the time the hounds "rip it to pieces". As for the expressed concern for horses being ridden on hunts, then one should surely ban show jumping, National Hunt racing, and eventing.

There would then be far fewer horses alive if one was only allowed to own a horse so it could stand in a field looking handsome.

Unfortunately, there are already people who would ban National Hunt racing, and the RSPCA's next target is game shooting. In true Stalinist style, anti-hunters took over the RSPCA, then banned anyone with an opposing view from joining.

It will not be long before the distinction between the RSPCA and the Animal Liberation Front is very fine. Banning hunting is Aristotle's tyranny of democracy and parliamentary dictatorship.

Dr Duncan Campbell,

Albemarle Road, York.

Updated: 11:21 Saturday, October 18, 2003