CAN someone please tell me why the drives and pavements of Lilac Avenue, off the Hull Road, have been treated to such a splendid facelift?

Immaculately placed paving stones neatly cemented in, not a weed in sight, and shining concrete drives to every house - a real professional job.

Now, cross the road to Newland Park Drive. A month or two before the transformation of Lilac Avenue, this drive had a repair job. What a difference, depressing asphalt footpaths, weeds fighting to the surface almost before the workmen were out of the area.

At the time I accepted this as the normal repair work - until I saw Lilac Avenue. Now I am intrigued to know what explains the different treatment.

M Lambert,

Newland Park Drive,

Hull Road,


Updated: 12:04 Tuesday, October 21, 2003