I WISH to correct your assertion (Comment, October 30) that York City is moving to Huntington Stadium.

No plans have been submitted and the people of Huntington have not yet been consulted about whether or not they want a full-blown football league club in their midst.

Given that hundreds of residents attended various meetings last year to oppose the over-development of Huntington, I can't believe that a football league club would be welcomed.

The traffic problems alone must make it a non-starter. Add crowd problems, litter, noise and risk of anti-social behaviour and the idea is unfeasible.

I do admire the tremendous efforts of the supporters and the financial nous of the new management. I wish them every success for their future and in their efforts to remain at Bootham Crescent.

Mr A Munday,

Forge Close, Huntington, York.

Updated: 09:53 Wednesday, November 05, 2003