RESIDENTS of an East Yorkshire market town were shocked to find their streets had been invaded by a Scottish marauder.

But relief swept through Pocklington when the townspeople realised the blue-faced kilt-wearing warrior was not William Wallace but their very own mayor.

Coun George McManus is to recreate the skirmish between the English and the Scots, made famous by Hollywood blockbuster Braveheart, to raise money for charity.

As Coun McManus originally hails from Glasgow, he was the obvious choice to take the role of the freedom-seeking Wallace.

He will be joined by history enthusiasts from across the region, wearing authentic costumes and armed with swords, to recreate the battle, which will culminate in the liberation of Pocklington on January 17.

The mayor is collecting sponsorship to rampage through the town on a horse dressed as Wallace, the High Protector of Scotland. It is hoped the skirmish, which will end with a Burns night celebration dinner at Pocklington School, will raise thousands for the Ken Suttle Cancer Appeal. The appeal aims to buy more equipment for the Maxilofacial unit at York Hospital which treats face and neck cancers.

Coun McManus said: "The event should be great fun and we're expecting lots of English troops to come along and liberate the town. This is going to be the main fundraising event of my mayoral year and I hope it will be a great success."

He assured local people that the cause of the 'invasion' was to highlight the mayor's ongoing charity efforts to raise funds for the Ken Suttle Cancer Appeal.

A series of events will culminate in the liberation of Pocklington on January 17 2004, the highlight of which will be a celebration dinner at Pocklington School that evening.

Updated: 09:04 Thursday, November 06, 2003