FESTIVE shoppers are being urged to keep Christmas presents out of sight after a spate of thefts from motor vehicles parked across the city.

York Police have revealed that almost ten cars a day for the past week have been attacked by thieves who have made off with hundreds of pounds worth of possessions.

Senior York officers fear that people may be making themselves an easy target and tempting thieves by leaving heavy goods in their cars while they carry on shopping.

Sergeant Colin Ventress, of York Police, said car parks at Clifton Moor, St George's Fields and the University of York had been hit by thieves.

But he warned that motorists parking in residential streets were also vulnerable as the winter evenings draw in and criminals look to operate under the cover of darkness.

He said criminals were "not sophisticated" and would use brute force, often causing costly damage to the vehicle, to get at possessions.

The most common methods of theft, he said, involved thieves smashing windows, breaking locks open with a screwdriver or similar tool, or forcing metal doors open.

PC Craig Durkin said residents could play their part in the fight against vehicle crime by being vigilant and aware of potential dangers.

He said passers-by should pay attention if a car alarm is sounding.

He said: "You certainly do not have to challenge the potential offenders, but a basic description is extremely useful".

"It is important that people understand that criminals will be active in their area and so people need to remain vigilant. Leaving it to someone else is not enough," he added.

Updated: 09:19 Thursday, November 06, 2003