A GANG of up to 20 young thugs trashed a car after its owner had been stopped by police.

Traffic officers pulled over the white Vauxhall Cavalier in Alcuin Avenue, Tang Hall, York, at about 1.50pm on Saturday. A resident, who asked not to be named, witnessed the car being damaged after officers took the man to Fulford Road police station.

She told the Evening Press: "They were all over the top of it, jumping up and down and taking rocks and throwing them through the windows.

"The windows are completely destroyed. The car has been trashed."

A police spokeswoman said the driver failed to stop during a routine check.

They followed the car to Tang Hall where the driver's details were checked and he was arrested over another, minor driving-related offence.

She said: "When the police were called back to the scene after a resident called, they found the car had been badly damaged.

"We arranged for it to be removed on Saturday afternoon."

Updated: 10:40 Monday, November 10, 2003