THE letter from Coun. Ann Reid about the proposed increase to £50 worth of bus tokens (March 1) does not mention those people who hold a bus pass.

Do they still get the £50 and can they exchange their existing bus pass for the £50 token?

My pass doesn't expire until June 2005 and I know friends whose pass expiry date is much later.

Please explain how they are affected.

Mrs Burton,

Langley House,

Dodsworth Avenue, York.

...J SAMUEL of Stockton Lane is mistaken: other bus companies do have Day Rovers, and we all take part in the Senior Citizens' Pass scheme.

Pensioners living in the Stockton Lane area can use their passes on Top Line Travel and Yorkshire Coastliner buses. Don't give up just because First refuse to accept other companies' tickets, try the others and see what a friendly lot we are.

Peter Dew,

Managing director,

Top Line Travel of York Limited,

Hospital Fields Road,


Updated: 10:36 Thursday, March 11, 2004