energy-minded staff and students are attempting to make the University of York the UK's most energy-efficient.

In the latest drive to clinch the title, the university has joined forces with the Stockholm Environment Institute to launch an internet site showing energy awareness information.

It comes as the city hosts PlanetYork, a year-long campaign to severely slash energy consumption in the city.

Heike Singleton, the university's conservation officer, said: "This is one of the many ways in which we are showing how serious we are about our commitment to environmental issues.

"The university plays an important part in the life of the city, not only in terms of student and staff numbers.

"We are aware that we consume a large amount of energy and of the impact that has on the environment and have, for some time, been looking at ways of being more energy-efficient."

The university has already been monitoring its energy consumption, setting up an energy working group and fitting 2,000 energy-efficient lightbulbs.

PlanetYork advisers have been working with the university to achieve its aims.

Updated: 09:48 Wednesday, April 24, 2002