THE campaign group York Against The War has spawned a local offshoot - Fishergate Against The War.

The new group held its inaugural meeting this week.

Spokesman Steve Roskams said Fishergate was an area particularly concerned by the imminent threat of war, as Fulford Barracks lay within its boundaries.

"There are plenty of people in Fishergate who are either ex-Services or families of currently serving members of the armed forces. They, like everyone else, are puzzled by the Government's desire to attack Iraq," he claimed.

"British war veterans of the last attack on Iraq are still suffering from 'Gulf War Syndrome'. Over 4,000 have outstanding claims against the Ministry of Defence and yet they have been very shabbily treated by the British Government."

He said: "Although British casualties will comprise just a tiny fraction of the number of Iraqi people killed by Western bombing, the Government's treatment of all involved, Iraqi children and British soldiers alike, shows exactly how little they care about human life."

"There is no justification for this war, and so no credible reason for Britain to send troops back to the Gulf to take part in this slaughter."

Updated: 10:23 Wednesday, March 05, 2003