IT'S only just been launched, and already support for the Evening Press's York Community Pride campaign is starting to flood in.

In partnership with City of York Council, we are calling for your nominations for community heroes - those people who make a difference to the area in which they live.

The council has allocated £50,000 a year to give grants of between £100 to £1,000 to community projects.

As BBC Look North presenter Harry Gration joined Millthorpe School pupils for yesterday's official launch, council leader Steve Galloway said officers had already received a number of calls from residents keen to apply for grants.

He said: "We expect over the next few weeks to announce a series of initiatives for local residents, parish councils and youth groups. But we also want to found out who the local heroes are - that's why the Evening Press part of this initiative is so important."

Mike Boothman, who teaches geography and PE at Millthorpe, and whose rugby pupils helped with yesterday's launch, said: "Citizenship is a very important part of education, and I am happy to support anything which supports the local environment."

Jackie Pollitt, sales supervisor at Free Spirit, in St Helen's Square, which sports a York Pride sticker in its window, said: "I think it's a good job to get everyone together for something like this - it brings everyone closer."

Karen Hirst, of Alquimia Spa, in Stonegate, said the business was excited about the Evening Press awards, which include a Service With A Smile category for the business that has demonstrated the best customer care. She said: "York's looking fantastic at the moment and it would be great if we could work together to keep it that way - not just for the people that live here, but for the tourists as well."

Meanwhile, children from Tang Hall Primary School were helping the launch by picking up litter in St Nicholas Fields with the council's local nature reserves officer, Stephen Whittaker.

To send us your nominations for the community heroes you would like to see recognised in our awards, fill in the entry form below, giving reasons on no more than two sides of A4 paper.

Our judges will select three finalists in each category, and winners will be announced at an awards ceremony on December 1.

To apply for a Community Pride grant, phone the council on 01904 552049, or 552063.

Updated: 09:37 Saturday, April 24, 2004