A ONE-stop shop for people needing information about multiple sclerosis is celebrating its first birthday - with the news that it is to receive £100,000 in funding.

The Woodlands MS Resource Centre, based at the Woodlands Respite Care Centre, has been given the cash by the Department of Health. It is the first time that Whitehall has helped the Hull Road-based project.

The MS resource centre, which opened its doors in April last year, provides information, guidance and support to anyone who is affected or wants to find out more about the debilitating condition.

This includes patients, their families, health and social care professionals, carers and employers. The grant means the centre will be able to employ a full time co-ordinator to work with trained volunteers towards expanding the service.

Rachael Brayshaw, volunteer and fundraising co-ordinator, said the grant from the Department of Health was "fantastic news".

"We are really pleased," she said. "It will make a huge difference. This centre means it doesn't matter whether you are newly diagnosed, have the most progressive form of MS, or don't have the condition at all.

"Anyone who wants to know anything about MS can find out at the resource centre. We have recently had our first evaluation and the response from people has been phenomenal. A lot of people also attended this week's open day.

"At the moment, the future is looking very bright for us."

A further grant of £20,000 has been donated to the resource centre by the York & District branch of the MS Society, and will be used to purchase accessible computer equipment as well as up-to-date resource and research materials.

For further information on the MS resource centre, phone 01904 430600.

Updated: 09:38 Saturday, April 24, 2004