STOP the Press, as east meets west.

A delegation of industrial, cultural and media heavyweights from Quzou in the west of China's Zhejiang province popped into the Evening Press for a peek at the newspaper's Rockwell press in full cry - and, between fusillades of camera flashes on both sides, extended the hand of friendship.

It was part of a hectic tour of York by the group which was determined to forge new links with the city, a visit organised by Yorkshire Forward, the regional development agency and, the new inward investment organisation for York and North Yorkshire

The itinerary included a visit to York Science Park, where they learned about research and development facilities on offer to new science-based Chinese incubator firms seeking a foothold in the UK.

At the Evening Press in Walmgate the delegation was met by Liz Page, managing director of York & County Press, and Ron Godfrey, business editor of the Evening Press.

The party was also shown the various newspapers, magazines, supplements and guides published at York & County Press, of particular interest to Wang Jinhua, chief editor of Quzou Daily, who was keen to forge greater links with the Evening Press.

Other delegates were Cai Qi, president of the People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, his secretary general, Xu Yuning, Cheng Xiang head of Quzhou television station, Shao Jianxiong, chairman of Jianling Electrical Appliances Company and Mao Zhuozhan, director of foreign investment in the department of economic development.

Later, all visited York's National Railway Museum, then were given an official city welcome from the Lord Mayor of York, Coun Charles Hall at the Mansion House.

Updated: 13:18 Friday, April 30, 2004