MOHAMED Mahmoud Hussein Eltahtawy, who died in the Bootham bus crash, was my friend.

He was a regular at KFC, where I used to work, and almost every night he would come in after a night partying, dressed smartly, with a big smile.

"David!" he would boom loudly, and even if I was in the back, I'd hear him and come forward, always pleased to see him. "David! My friend!"

"Mohamed, miladdo! How do? But, more importantly... how don't?" was my response.

I was always in trouble after he waved and walked out with his "gourmet cuisine" and still smiling.

He usually spent 20 minutes talking to me, and bothering the punters, but sometimes on the horrendous night shifts, all that kept me going was the 8pm break and the 10.30pm "Mohamed time".

He oozed charisma and was a warming person. I shall really miss him.

It is a big regret I am not still at KFC, on an awful Saturday night shift chatting to my friend right now.

Dave Magill,

Surtees Street,


Updated: 11:27 Friday, May 07, 2004