CRACKING down on underage drinking could stop rampaging youths on a York estate, according to a city councillor.

A gang of youths armed with pickaxe handles and bricks caused a riot in Chapelfields on Thursday night. Five youths were arrested after drunken hooligans attacked cars and property with golf clubs and bottles during a three-hour rampage.

A York policeman, who was believed to be the first on the scene, ended up in hospital after he severed a ligament trying to arrest one of the culprits.

Andrew Waller, who represents the Westfield ward, including Chapelfields, said he was working closely with Chapelfields Residents' Association to try to stamp out this sort of behaviour on the estate.

"We need to look at why these people think they can get away with this behaviour. There has to be a way in which residents feel able to come forward with information so the police can take action," he said.

"As executive member for the environment, part of my portfolio is clamping down on the sale of alcohol to underage kids. We also need to persuade parents that it's not acceptable to give their kids alcohol and send them out for the night."

He said that underage drinking was one of the main reasons the incident in Chapelfields had got so out of hand.

"I think what we have is a hardcore of disaffected youths and they are not going to go along to any youth club we provide," he said.

"We need to work with the families, many of whom have reached the end of their tethers with them."

Police were on high alert to make sure there was no repeat performance last night of Thursday's mayhem.

Sergeant Neil Halliwell of York Police said the police were paying extra attention to the Chapelfields area last night and would be keeping a close eye on what was going on in the area, in light of the incident on Thursday.

Coun Steve Galloway, who also represents Chapelfields, said magistrates needed more effective sanctions to take antisocial youths off the streets.

He said that more visible police patrols, a quicker police response and resources like CCTV cameras could also help the problem.

Bus services through Chapelfields were temporarily rerouted after three attacks on buses earlier this week.

Updated: 09:36 Saturday, May 15, 2004