MR Brown accuses motorists of being responsible for killing and maiming thousands of men, women and children each year (Letters, May 18). The facts are somewhat different.

A road research laboratory report showed speeding was the primary cause in only six per cent of road accidents.

Of 3,421 fatal accidents 529 were attributable to driver fault or error.

I admit that even this figure is too high, but at least it is accurate.

Even more interesting is the fact that in 1949, of the top ten causes of child death, motor vehicle accidents came eighth at 1,014, but by 1995 this had now become the top cause of child deaths.

However, in number terms it had fallen to about half at 533.

If we again take the top ten causes of child death in 1949 it amounted to 26,093 but by 1955 it had fallen to 2,513. The only cause of death not to show a dramatic fall was cancer which had only fallen from 660 to 491.

Finally, please do not accuse us of not seeing cyclists, we even manage to spot them at night when they have either no, or illegal, lights.

M Usherwood,

Mendip Close,

Huntington, York.

Updated: 10:13 Wednesday, May 26, 2004